Thursday, August 28, 2008

introducing an "us"

Good Morning,

Lately i've discovered this occupational hazard i have with writing; whatever the mind is consumed with is just below the surface...whatever the heart feels is then guaranteed expression.

So, this morning i'd simply like to share that i've met someone...her name is Shannon.

okay, i'll repeat

I have met someone. And...her name is Shannon. I'm hoping this doesn't need any further explanation but just in case here's the link on where and how we met. just taaaake your time studying the page it'll sink in...

i know this may sound weird, odd or foreign to you. there's never been a time when i spoke about an "us" or filled out the "Amanda and Guest" wedding invitation RSVP with anything but "I" accepts and noooo, regrets.

but it's not.

what is perhaps odd is the level of in-depth discussion and analysis that gets done about the newly forming relationship when one has a background in psychology the other a doctoral degree (almost) in communications or "forensics."


When I was born i'm quite sure i came out backwards. Not in the breech position but in how i share things. the larger and more invisible the group, the more apt i am to share. so, instead of having individual conversations in private with each of you in which i will turn several shades of red, i thought i'd share this here in the Monday Morning News.

Introducing an "us"

My first "suave" question: "Are you loud?"

Her first "suave" answer: "I can be any volume I need to be."

My second suave question: "so you're loud?"

Her second suave answer: "my voice is my instrument."

conclusion: hmm, that's not good

My first uncool confession: "i have a spinal cord injury. i mean...i walk into things."

Her first equally uncool confession: [edit]

conclusion: um, that's not good

Shan says things like "jumping out of a plane is a rush!"

I say things like…I think that is perhaps not very wise.

First cool realization: Shannon is a national champion in speech and debate (I finish most of my inner dialog with because Jesus said so!)

Second cool realization: She encourages teasing from the outside of her faults and imperfections. I prefer straight self-deprecation.

conclusion: there's a lot i can learn here.

She came to the realization she was gay at age 38 after in-depth study of scripture; my realization probably came at age 8 when i found myself kissing my autograph photo of Miss Ohio!

Caution Flag! Hazard up ahead...

Shan's into imagining life on a grand scale “doin’ it big!” I spend my evenings listening to Buddha talks trying to achieve nothingness.

She says "I have plans, my plans have plans." I've seen a collection of planners from 1992-'08 that have details crammed into every half hour…I keep my life in fat marker on Post-its.

First Understanding

She thinks things like tandem bicycles are cool. I can flat out say "No Shan, i think they’re goofy lookin’."

Second Connection

She works in an office with mahogany shelves and leather topped tables for meetings with families and recruits.

Right now, I work in the break room and am routinely asked "Do you mind if I eat lunch in here?"

We've established yes, this is funny.


She thinks I’m amazing. I think she’s weird.

I think she’s cool. She thinks I’m hot.

She says Life is a game

I say no Monopoly is a game.

We agree people are NEVER a game

and that's why it just works.

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