Wednesday, September 17, 2008

power outage or 10 ways to entertain yourself at home

Oh dratted and curses! I had a Monday Morning Palooza in store for you...great video, funny pics, timely audio but Mother Nature's having none of it.

C-bus was hit with a big windstorm this weekend so I've been without electrical power since Sunday...

Three days may not sound like too hatefully long but throw sore ribs and a strong tendency to eat cereal most meals (i need cold milk!) and i am HIGHLY cranky! Mitty's been saying i need to just chill.

So...i've gotten out my quill pen and ink well and have started an evening activities log... Please keep in mind these are only suggestions. you will probably want to add or create your own the next time you too are without power.

10 Ways to Entertain Yourself When You Have No Power at Home

1. wave the flashlight around and play traffic cop

2. practice your scary Halloween faces

3. put on a shadow puppet show for your cat

4. play Buddha monk!

5. play freezer Danger Rescue Ranger!

6. drink all the beer in the frig (so it doesn't go bitter of course) and then go lay down

7. become a better citizen- visualize and rehearse the simultaneous four-way stop

8. walk around nude a lot. might as well, you're in the dark...

9. play pioneer days-make a pilgrim hat out of newspaper, lead a game of pick up sticks w/ your neighbors and poop in a bucket

10. have a strobe light dance party! put on your most reflective clothing...running shoes, outdoor biking gear, then get crunk in front of the flashlight...

or if you have kids maybe have a career night with the kids. play eye exam (w/ flashlights) and/or coal miner! strap a flashlight to their head. kids can ask questions afterwards.

okay yes, 6 & 8, part of 9 are not true. i have NOT been doing these things...entirely.

Turning That Frown Upsidedown Tuesday. : )


*electrical power should be restored by next Monday

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