Monday, January 28, 2008

a grocery store encounter or i'm not a melon...

Good Morning,

Here is something that happened to me at the grocery store last week. Hope you enjoy. : )


"Sonny can you help me find the price on 1% milk?"

When called "Sonny" my inclination is to bolt.

"Here it is ma am’." The display sticker was in plain sight, the $2.99 price poorly hidden.

"Ooo is that how much it cost?" She said in mock surprise.

It was clear this was not going to be a quick interaction. I had stumbled upon someone old and lonely she had found someone stumbling through the dairy aisle.

I said, “Yes, I think all the varieties here cost the same."

Her pale blue eyes lit up as she perhaps noted my furrowed brow and the bead of sweat rolling down my face. Our eyes locked in a nod solidifying the unspoken agreement, age had earned her the right to ignore my iPod budded ears.

"Oh is that right?" She bent low to inspect the sticker. "Why you’re so smart!"

Yes ma am, but right now I am not kind...It was clear someone had just rolled their 90 yr. old out of the Lost & Found thin wisps of her gray hair clung a raspberry, knitted skull cap. Her torso sat snug in a fitted brown jacket, hands in bright red OSU gloves. Her pants were the unmistakable green of hospital scrubs and on her feet were some dark blue Crocs. Through the holes I could see a problem.

“uh, you don’t have any socks! Are you gonna be okay like that?"

It's winter here in Columbus...

Which prompted.

“Oh yes, and I have this awful pain in my shoulder" and the sharing of her resume.

She said, "I used to work in politics. You know I was supposed to write a book. I’ve been out of it 30 years. But if I did it…" her eyes darted. she looked over her shoulder…

(No one here but me and Elsie lady…)

"There’d be a scandal!"

Thirty years later I’m not sure who’s reputation is left to tarnish. I do know this would NOT make for very good reading, The philandering of the Franklin County Court judge in his 90’s.

"So, if I do (she interrupted my daydream) it’d have to be a comedy. I love to write!"

Perhaps here's my point. When you cannot run and you cannot cannot escape the discussion of an old person's medical history.

In addition to ailing shoulder and failing memory, I quickly learned she’d had two bouts with cancer once in her breast the other; colon.

Before I could heartily agree…"yes, I’d like to read it!" (her book)

I was poked and prodded in the chest and ascending and transverse colon. As if simple words were not enough to communicate the message, she needed to illustrate on a live model. Here is something few people and perhaps a melon can say--I’ve been squeezed and prodded by a 90yr. old lady in a grocery store.

By this time, she had stopped calling me "Sonny and talk had turned as they often do.

Was I a student? No.

Was I an OSU student? Yes. once. awhile ago.

Oh really? What did I study? Well, mostly my professors and sometimes my classmates. We called it psychology.

OOOoo she gave me the look my grandpa gives when told for some kids baggy drawers are "in" these days.

"Oooo I better not talk to you then." (hand gesture the CRAZY whirlybird).

I must admit I had a moment…20yrs. of school for this? Quickly it passed as I needlessly explained my specific focus and interest.

What do you do? Do you live alone? Does someone take care of you? Our conversation had taken a left turn. We were no longer walking down the pleasantries of the simple getting to know you path we were knee deep or neck deep in damaged person land. Where everyone has a broken body and a score to settle on the Yahtzee card.

Patience is hard to come by at this time of year but I managed. As I walked away, she even called me "brilliant girl." I called her Jane certain we will meet again.

Happy Monday.

Deputy Clerk to Justice Jane

*yes, this really happened

Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK Jr. Tribute & Bill's Hotrods

Good Morning,

"Salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

I never know how to celebrate MLK Jr. Day. If you recall, last year I tried to mark the occasion with a “ceremonial somersault” from the top of the ottoman…it ended badly.

This year i thought i'd try something different. Recently, I purchased a camcorder. I made a little "movical"...(i.e., kind of a movie, kind of a music video) tribute to this great leader.

Hope you find it truly entertaining and educational.

Happy MLK Jr. Day.


Monday, January 14, 2008

the parrot & so not urban dictionary

Good Morning,

Like Brett Favre slicing up the defense in the film room, lately I’ve been studying my dancing.

I've started to ask uh, what the heck am I doing? (I really don’t think he’s too smart, talented, yes...)

What I've learned so far is that dissecting every move is impeding my dancing!

Listening to NPR interviews within the urban dance community has confirmed an engaged intellect must be counterproductive to good moves…

"oh mos definaly (street dancing is being recognized as an art)
we gonna go down there on one accord,
everybody gonna be on one accord..."

No really, It was very eye-opening to hear about the deep level of structure and purpose the serious street dancer brings to their work.

Today, while i can't keep up with the physicality of my craft, i'd still like to contribute to my community (word up homies!). Here is my effort to distinguish among the various disciplines that fall under the urban dance umbrella. AND my new dance move--the parrot!

The "So Not Urban" Dance Dictionary

Krumping—you are angry about something and can gyrate your torso like a sea bird swallowing a fish.

Clowning—you perform basically the same moves as the krumper but in a playful, teasing manner.

You’re Break dancing if twirling on a piece of cardboard or still in the 80’s…

Jitting—if you have the foot quickness of Ronaldo and can scramble eggs with your feet?'re jittin.' : )

Juking—same cat like quickness but you are more inclined to a simple straightforward kicking style…think that first move you do when stepping out onto the ice…whoopsie

Hip Hop—if performing "techniques" (popping, locking, freezes) or doing choreography alongside someone to a song you’ve heard on're hip hop.

Funkateering-no idea but I love this term. How about...Exploring the limits of what one’s body can do to a funky beat. (yeah, with "my move" i did a little hip hop funkateering : )

Happy Monday,


Monday, January 7, 2008

17 Good Things About SCI

Good Morning,

Last week I had a Thoughtful Thursday...

That date (Jan. 3) marked 17 yrs. since SCI (spinal cord injury)…

With my undying love for the physical…running, jumping, climbing, sliding, diving, log rolling etc. I can honestly say if I had my choice I would still like to give it back.

…but God stamped NO RETURNS or yelled NO TAP-BACKS after this one.

(I’m even willing to stand in the customer service line after x- mas!!!...indefinitely)

BUT today I can also see there is much good. I've come up with a list.

17 Good Things About SCI

1. I get to meet interesting people

2. I get to use jargon or “lingo”

3. I have interesting scars that suggest character

4. I always wear tennis shoes

5. I get to watch TV drama and laugh. Soap opera paralysis..."after Ben operated on his own spinal cord. He faked his paralysis to keep Caroline..."

6. I get to judge all actors' performances for accurate limps (Martin on Frasier…not very good)

7. In general, The Salvation Army ringers ding at me less

8. I have options when it comes to chairs—most people like for disabled people to sit

9. I can honk my horn for service at the gas station...although I've never done this

10. I leave interesting tracks in the snow

11. I have an “in” with Gloria Estefan! Come on
shake that body baby do the Conga! (...tour bus

12. I would be a good parent. I have no problems
talking poop.

13. At the grocery, I can push my cart through the wrong set of automatic doors (because they’re closer)…and not raise a fuss

14. I get a big sense of accomplishment out of smaller things; e.g., I have been on "Arctic expeditions" cleaning off my car with crampons and ice pick! (cheap plastic ice scrapper and tennis shoes)

15. Clear vision-I can spot an a-hole a mile away!

16. Perfect way to hang out a little longer with people you like; SCI brings some really good people into your life…e.g., people who don’t mind waiting with you and being the last to leave a crowded movie theater.

17. I fall asleep fast and dream big

okay, Happy Monday.

--Amanda C5-C6, incomplete quad