Monday, May 30, 2011

disaster preparedness from the bathtub

Good Morning,

I was sitting in the bathtub with way too much time to think. From the other room came growing confusion in the weatherman's excitable voice...

"I've never seen it like this before...they're popping up more quickly than we can track them!...there's another one!"

I could hear my neighbor's new baby crying through the wall. "Great" I thought, after mobile homes and nursing homes I'm pretty sure tornadoes take aim at disabled people and young mothers in apartment communities.

I determined that I would not help them write this story..."and in this apartment complex they found three dead...a young mother holding her infant and what appeared to be a young disabled woman who threw her body over her cat...the cat survived..."

Sooo, I consulted my handy resource "The Prepared Lifestyle" from the University of Kansas and Kansas Department of Health and made my own checklist.

I've come up with my own disaster preparedness checklist highlighting some of the items they forgot.

Helmet- with 200+ mph winds, there is going to be flying and falling debris. Should I be lucky enough to be trapped somewhere, I’d at least like the opportunity to think my way out of it.

CamelBak- filled with water and a fuel belt filled with Ensure Plus for longer durations...


Kitty harness- in trial runs with the kitty harness, Mitty simply lays down and flops on her side or does the military crawl. Regardless of noisy rescue efforts (helicopters, bulldozers, jack hammers), this should keep her close…

Flash drive- I found that despite my dedicated listening to dharma talks and meditation practice...I am very attached to ideas. I don’t mind my computer being blown to bits but did have the impulse to go grab my flash drive. Just in case any of my writings contain that one kernel of a thought that could bring world peace. I’d like to save that...

Saw & tourniquet- finally FINALLY I’d have good reason to cut my left foot off. I'm really hoping it is the body part that gets stuck.

A clean pair of underwear. (hey, see above photo).

And lastly, should I perish...a tattoo that says "Lola" or something racy so that my family might get a smile when they have to ID me...hint my stripper name is "Chesty Leathertush." : )

I guess the truth is no matter how prepared, we never know when disaster will strike. There is no checklist to ultimately keep us safe. As I've listened to some of the amateur video from the Joplin, MO tornado, it struck me how the young man taking the video, fear in his voice, kept asking amidst the confusion...

"Are you okay? Are you okay?"

His concerns not for saving himself or his Youtube footage but rather conveyed in this message

"I'm trying to keep my weight off of you." In times of GREAT stress sometimes what emerges is the full beauty and potential of the human heart to care for the stranger piled below.

(Thankfully, she responded, "yes, i'm okay.")

I spent a lot of time sitting in a bathtub last week contemplating suffering. Here's what I've concluded. To not be changed or moved by a disaster is doing a disservice to yourself. Let your heart break and some of the teachings of the dharma (e.g. love and compassion) can fall in…

In ADDITION to my checklist, as my response, I'm taking a little more care in noticing when I say “It doesn’t matter…”

for example,

You throw a pop can in the trash not the recycle bin…
You try to slip a few 2's and 7's in the 1's only recycle dumpster
You park in the disability space...when you could walk
You miss calling a friend to give them a birthday wish...

We can be better stewards of the land and better caretakers for each other. I hope you let your good heart (plus action!) be your response to devastation and suffering.

Mindful Memorial Monday,


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

cognitive dissonance from the study bunker...

Good Morning,

I've been holed up in the study bunker waiting for the storms to end but I thought I'd emerge long enough to share something with you...

The word of the day is "cognitive dissonance." (okay that's two words). Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.

Cognitive dissonance has been running amok lately...

"Arnold Scwharzenegger fathers an illegitimate child!...Lance Armstrong accused of doping!...The end of the world Saturday May 21st...oops just let me revise the math"

but the place I am finding it most interesting is in the aftermath of a news story that's staying pretty close to the Mike and Mike (ESPN radio) bobble headed sports desk. Last week, Phoenix Suns President Rick Welts came out as gay.

Reaction of course has included such luminaries as Charles Barkley, hockey analyst (and mullet hairdo supporter) Barry Melrose, and Herm Edwards, a man who has given us such deep quotes as "We play to win the game!"

Some media types are predicting the end of the world. The question that remains:

Rick Welts is a NBA executive. What will happen when a teammate comes out to one of his brothers in the locker room?

I was able to go inside the heads of NBA basketball players with my personal-people-reader meter this weekend and this is what I found...

Cognitive Dissonance!!!!

Taken from an unnamed source here are the conflicting thoughts I was able to record...

Don't look at me fagot...

I don’t want it in my locker room.

Shoot, Darnell’s a real cool dude!

I'm not predicting the end of the world but rather a struggle perhaps and wrestling with uncomfortable feelings. My thought is that the NBA player who comes out to his teammates will experience acceptance to the degree his teammates resolve their conflict at Darnell's a cool dude. Here is what you will see...

After the gay player comes out, I predict many many many...many baaaaad interviews within and around the NBA community.

There are 3 ways we generally try to get rid of cognitive dissonance once it is present. I've stated each one and offer what it will sound like on SportsCenter...

1. Decrease the importance of dissonant beliefs.

ESPN Analyst: "So, Charles now that Darnell Dudes is out how do you feel about it?"

Charles: “It don’t matter, all I want is a teammate that knows how to win.”

2. Add more consonant beliefs that outweigh the dissonant beliefs.

Players against the openly gay teammate will turn to the Bible and other players, family, or media types also speaking out against the gay teammate. They will restate their concerns. “Guys aren’t comfortable with it.” “It's just my personal belief that it’s wrong.” (From these guys you should also then hear a lot less about "being there for my teammates").

3. Change the dissonant beliefs so they are no longer inconsistent.

Don't look at me fagot...

I don’t want it in my locker room.

I put us winning before my own stats

Darnell's a real good player.

Hey, Darnell's gay, a good player, and a cool dude. It’s okay to be there for my teammates...

ESPN radio announcer: "How has this affected you in the locker room?"

Darnell Dudes' teammate: "Yes, I’d like to have a gay teammate. All things being equal I PREFER having gay teammates!!!"

okay, maybe it won't ever go that far but it's okay to dream it : ).

Back to the study bunker!,

Happy Tuesday,


p.s. my personal-people-reader meter is something handed out to ALL undergrad psych majors. it also comes with a Junior Psychology Badge!!! : ) Noooo, not really! ; )

Monday, May 16, 2011

Giving it your all

Good Morning,

Give it all give it now! That was the message of Pastor Holly's sermon yesterday. The teaching point or at least for me, figuring out what "it" is...

What is "it" that I have to give? I asked.

Inspired, I sat down to work a little more diligently on a piece I'm writing for a Father's Day. Something I do when I write, to try to make sure it is coming from an authentic place, is I record the story then listen for edits.

The video below was the result.

I have a question for pastor Holly. What if when you are giving it your all the rest of your life steps in and says NOW!

Happy Monday, : )


Monday, May 9, 2011

Mom Like Mine

Good Morning,

There's a bit of a Mother's Day hangover here. When you don't make it home on the "big day" and you know BOTH the card and the gift you sent are arriving late...there's an uneasiness that settles in as we seek to do better!

Thankfully, I was reminded of the gentle nature and healing power of a Mother's heart when I listened to this song. This is an original song recorded yesterday by Makena (and my good friends Siena & Toast)...

It's helped to calm me down. I've been able to breathe this morning and have not had to result to eating raw owls eggs and fried canary (i.e., an old wives tale remedy for hangover ).

I thought I'd share it with anyone who's heart might feel a little heavy or unpleasant this morning too.

Happy Monday,


Monday, May 2, 2011

mitty's resume...need assistance

Good Morning,

It came to my attention that there was a small hiccup in the system last week OR should I say a mild hairball cough?

Mitty aka Mittens was in charge of the MMN e-mail while I was out of town...but she failed to perform her duty.

So, Mitty has been put on notice! I'm afraid she has become a financial drain on the MMN operation and needs to find outside employment. She has been working on her resume and I ask that you take a moment to read and pass on to any contacts or potential employers. We would be most appreciative.


Amanda Editor and Chief!!!


Mittens Vallo


Work Experience:
Monday Morning News dancer, performer, features writer
Published Author- "Mitty's Haiku Corner" a chapbook of original poems


Activities & Skills:

effective in kitty massage
type 70+ wpm with 98% errors
operate small machinery (can open cabinet doors with hinges)
excellent people skills

Completed "Living Well With a Disability" Facilitator Training 5/11

Rabies and Feline AIDS Vaccination (current)

Special Interests:

licking ear buds
bird watching


Dr. Andrea Shuster, DVM
Columbus, OH 43212

Susan the Cat Foster Care Lady
Westgate, OH

Juanita Sanchez
Assistant Rooms Manager
Hilton Inn Express
O'Fallon, MO

Okay, Mitty has just asked for her job back...I have a face full of kitty fur and a nose of tuna breath. (Ewwww...) after we address hygiene she's REHIRED!!! This is just the kind of worker we need around here.

Happy Monday,


p.s. now she's napping