Sunday, October 28, 2007


Good Morning,

After something like a sibling's wedding, I think it’s natural to examine your life in finer detail. I was sitting staining yet ANOTHER piece of driftwood this weekend...when I thought, "How did I end up here?" The spiral down from here is always a succession of thoughts about perceived inadequacies and what it really means to be a successful/happy 32yr. old.

What follows are 10 nice things I forced myself to write down about myself at the end of the day (Sat.)...after craft-time/breakfast with my Fishing Buddy Bill and taking some Taco Bell to my friend Melissa in "the home" (nursing home).

10 Things

I can have a conversation through a drive-thru speaker without yelling at anyone.

I have earned enough faith and loyalty in a friendship to be trusted to feed someone a chicken soft taco.

I can look someone honestly and squarely in the face when told it’s important to stand-up when farting less something else come out (...and simply nod and say good to know).

I understand the Taco Bell menu is a lesson in impermanence…a popular item in July might not be there in October.

And can continue to hold in high regard...

The entire staff at the 5th Ave. Taco Bell who has never seen or heard of the commercial with "the naked guys in the hot tub filled with ice…"

When someone asks "chalupas or taquitos???" I’ll say taquitos!!! quite chipperly.

When asked "when did you get admitted?" It still hurts but i can say, confidently no, I’m NOT a patient here!

I can make Melissa laugh.

When asked how do I handle jealousy? I can answer from a place of examined conscious and reasoned faith.

I know there will ALWAYS be a place in my HEART…maybe not my apartment for ANOTHER piece of driftwood (see photos)

(...yep, that's 10 )

Happy Monday,




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