Thursday, May 22, 2008

more Morning Dad...

so, i went home this weekend...AND i promised Morning Dad i'd give it a rest. i'd take a little break from writing about him. (whistle, whistle, whistle) was that long enough?

one Mississippi...two Mississippi...three Mississippi...

so, as i pulled into the driveway i remembered one 20oz. Diet Pepsi later that my house key is nestled somewhere deep in the Lost and Found bin at the Columbus Airport. In full bladder distress, i reached for my cell phone and dialed the number:

"Hello Unity National Bank this is "Morning Dad" speaking." : )

"Hi Dad, um i'm sitting in the driveway right now locked out of the house..."

"how about if i come home right away and let you in!"

"that would be great."

there is one stop sign between Morning Dad's work and home. i guarantee he did not roll through it. it took the full 5 minutes and lots of squinting...but soon i saw the unmistakable sparkle and spit-polish shine of Morning Dad's sedan.

he popped the garage and before i could land a foot on the pavement Dad stood at my side offering his services.

"here can i help you unload your car?"

it's taken a long time but i've come to truly appreciate the offer. funny or sad to think there was a time when peeing myself was the preferred option to accepting help (i'll show them what an adult i've become...hmm)

"okay, thanks." i opened the back passenger door and handed him a laundry bag struggling to pucker at the drawstring. There was one more bag. the simple overnight bag that for some reason weighed about as much as a small refrigerator. I never pack too many clothes just an assortment of curiously heavy material for personal training, a Canon video camcorder, two unopened cans of pop, an unopened cup of yogurt, a trashed bible i've promised to repair...

i thought i'd try carrying this one in myself. ( i have a little wheelie cart this overloaded dandy had snuck a ride on during the car loading.) was a lovely spring evening so instead I stood stretching and enjoying the fresh lilac scented breeze gently dance across my face.

hmm, where's my help?

dad had gone inside with the laundry...but not returned. the only thing that might keep Morning Dad from completing a dad chore...

might there be intestinal trouble? i stood poised and worried about his health. i waited and waited...

one Mississippi...two Mississippi...three MississiPEE!!!!!!!

i could wait no longer. i grabbed my leaded load and started walking... at first toward the door, then INTO various items IN the garage. (my bag was heavy. IT threw me off course). i was quite certain the sound of the overturned recycle bin or the aluminum STOP sign banging into the wall would cause a flurry of tippy-tapping (tip-tap-tip-tap-tip) and an almost unhinged screen door as Morning Dad flew to my side!

four Mississippi...five Mississippi...

man he really must be sick! i started to worry and think of possible medical advice...what doctor he might call, which brand of Pepto Bismal he might take...

i made it to the door. now the kitchen door i was entering is directly across from the kitchen door to the patio. (it's a glass door). it was a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood...

six Mississippi...

And...standing out on the back patio snipping sprigs of lilac off his lilac bush was Morning Dad. he snipped and arranged a few for the patio table. snipped a few more...for the inside vases. by the time i made it to the restroom we had the whole house smelling like lilacs!!!!

ooops! yes, he had forgotten there was a second bag.

okay, anyway, got to run. just wanted to say (love you dad)

Happy Monday!


p.s. there's a video for mom : )

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