Nothing too witty or profound this morning I just had a thought. I think I’ve uncovered the childless parent’s equivalent of nose-picking.
That is, I do not have a child but I am in a way a parent…to my cat. Mitty.
This weekend I believe I've discovered the nose-picking equivalent. I will let those of you who are parents be the judge…
Enter one Miss Mitty the Kitty into a room of lounging adults.
Mitty will seek out her person (i.e., me). Hop up into my lap to get a little lovin... There's that unmistakable feeling of pride "MY KITTY LIKES ME!" you turn to "announce" to the room with a smile...
This is when mitty like all good cats knows it's time to concentrate her efforts on more important things--finding the LARGEST belly in the room and workin’it with the unwavering resolve of a 4yr. old booger lover.
knead, knead, knead, KNEAD, KNEAD, KNEAD, KNEAD knead, knead...
there is laughter...which makes it worse. they've now created the inflatable backyard balloon tent. Mitty gets all four limbs involved and marches around her new favorite toy…
I will never forget how she looked over at me with the joy of a toddler who has just discovered trampoline legs…
"Whoa mom, did you know about this? This is sooo cool watch me! watch me. watch me do this!…and this"
Again a very cool person might save you with more laughter as you deflate…
(I’m not sure if it’s best to laugh or cry in these moments but…).
"Oh that’s okay!" the good-natured one might say.
The laughter and intensity increase as you cannot get your little one now clinging desperately out of the tent. (MIIIIIIiitttty!!!)
Buddha teacher Gil says at times like this your emotions are like competing wolves. Over the long run, the one that wins is going to be the wolf you feed. in moments like these, there's frustration, my perceived failure to control my cat, or joy/compassion for the similarities we all share. bodies are funny.
i usually try to go with the laugh and apologize.
bodies are funny, flesh wounds are not.
Happy Monday,
Mitty's handler