Tuesday, July 6, 2010

it's never too late for a soccer date...

Good Morning,

I hope you had a wonderful 4th. I of course celebrated by watching Valentine's Day (a romantic-comedy movie)...like a all good Americans I am as confused about my holidays as I am about my sports...

soccer is futbol
football actually has very little to do with kicking...

There are two important soccer (i.e. futbol) matches in South Africa today and tomorrow. In this vein, I thought I would continue with some tutelage for those who have expressed interest in understanding the game so they might relate better to a sporty mate.

It's Never too Late to have a Soccer Date 101

Off-sides. This is usually what all the yelling and finger pointing is about...
It is a penalty call indicating the offense has had an unfair advantage.

When the offensive player positions themselves behind the last defender so there is no one between them and the goalie before the ball is passed...He (or she) is OFF-SIDES!!! The voracity of the yelling you hear coming out of your soccer person is because it's all about timing. To engage him or her in dialog at this moment you might try turning and saying "yes, dear we really need to look at when the ball was passed" or you might try nodding in agreement "yes, that was a highly subjective call." No worries ESPN/ABC will provide replay graphics with enhancements to help settle things.

Flopping. Gives soccer a bad wrap. It is why you might have heard soccer called a "sissy sport." Often players will fake phantom injuries to draw the refs attention and hopefully a penalty on the other team. Typically, flopping is seen at the highest levels of competition where it is considered poor sportsmanship to be expected. To everyone else it’s still confusing...

This is why I have uncovered a little piece of audio.


I've boiled it down to one simple rule you can share in these moments with your soccer person.

"yes, dear that's bad acting. i believe if you get hit in the stomach hold your stomach. if you get hit in the face, hold your face."

or...if this is all too much try making up your own rule. the "Kaka rule"

just throw up your hands and say this's absolutely ridiculous Kaka!"

alright. have fun. let the games begin!

Have a Terrific Tuesday,


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