Monday, April 18, 2011

practicing poet

Good Morning,

Here's something I bet you didn't know. April is National Poetry Month!

In celebration I'm putting on my white robes and refusing to leave my room...I thought I'd also get out some parchment this morning and pen a few ditties of my own.

Poem #1 (I'm still working on the titles...)
My heart leaps when I behold
dewy dew drops
clinging to blades of grass
trickle dee dee on down
my love
among the worms

death like a moonlit shadow
lurking i hide in thee
to send shivers
of joy through an unmarked history

when you are old gray and full of sleep
i will sing you a lullaby soft and sweet

(something from the Beatles Abbey Road collection)

should you snuff, snorezzzel horzzzel a reply
it will be my harmony bye and bye

I wandered lonely as a cloud but then I went through the emergency exit and it was LOUD.
Security came running and I definitely wasn’t lonely anymore.

The End.

If you like my "poetic inspirations," you might enjoy my favorite poets Shel Silverstein and Paul Guest (I don't really understand his poems just his process) (Paul Guest's blog)

Happy Monday,


p.s. stay tuned. next week drumming and spoken word!

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