Saturday, April 14, 2007

Backyard Wisdom

Situation: I was stepping outside of my apartment to read and take in the beautiful Spring day. My upstairs neighbors (Dan and Emi) are a young couple from Romania with a new baby (Bianca). Emi’s father has come over from Romania to be the live-in nanny.

I. a helping situation as I imagined it through the eyes of a 62 yr. old Romanian man.

Me: help, help! I’m stuck up here on this big cement slab.

Grand Nanny: I will help you. I will hoist you on my shoulder and then stick you here in the grass.

Me: No thank you. My legs are shaky…(ahhhh…)

Baby: ahhh…gibberish, gibberish

Grand Nanny: sorry I don’t speak English

Me: No worries. I don’t speak Romanian.

In unison: Let’s smile at each other.

II. later...a request from a disabled woman

Me: hey you, get over here.

Grand Nanny: me?

Me: bring me my birdfeeder!

Me: ah yes, empty it. clean it. get all that dirt out with your bare hands.

Me: Does Dan have birdseed for me upstairs?

Me: He does? Go get it. no wait don’t get it. get it. no don’t.

Grand Nanny: I am so confused.

Me: me too

III. the situation as I imagined it observed by Emi and Dan from a second story window.

Emi: why is my baby alone in her stroller?

Emi: oh, there’s my dad.

Dan: yes, helping Amanda. I like Amanda but she is too needy.

Emi and Grand Nanny: (a shared look in Romanian)

Emi: Dan do we have any birdseed for Amanda?

Dan: No, she’s not getting my birdseed.

IV. (outside) a conversation based in reality…sort of

Grand Nanny: Do you know New York City?

Me: yes!

Grand Nanny: New York to Columbus is the distance from where I live to Bucharest.

In unison: confusion. Shit. Shit. Baby: ga ga squishy (she shit)

(uncomfortably long pause)

Me: I like Emi and Dan. Do you like my birdfeeder?

Grand Nanny: birds? this?

Baby: clinky clinky shiny

Me: Put it on the grill. On that shelf next to the tongs.

Me: Now move my chair! or I will melt in the sun!

Me: Bring me my birdseed!

Baby: ewww! stinky no no stinky!

Grand Nanny: Bye bye friend. We must go, The baby is hungry.

Me: Okay bye. I must go inside too. I make crafts.

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