Wednesday, July 2, 2008

June Gloom

Good Morning,

While out in Southern California I learned about this funny thing they call "June gloom." From the best I could tell this just meant that there's a slight haze in the morning that burns off 10-20 min. after daybreak.

As we deplaned in Columbus, a quick check out the window revealed...dark skies to the west and wind blowing the few remaining strands of hair sideways on the grounds crew man. In my best Lucy (of the Peanuts) voice I had to fight off the urge to yell THAT'S JUNE GLOOM!

...or at least in my head what it truly looks like.

But, JULY is almost here! This morning I will choose to stay focused on the positive. When
struggling with post-vacation blues perhaps the best thing you can do is not to try to relive the vacation but rather to focus on what you've learned.

10 Things I've Learned in Southern California (L.A., Orange County)

1. In SoCal they do not have weather but they do have traffic.

( you approach L.A. the beautiful sun brings out the smog layer and the urge to ask for wet wipes)

2. If you want to see famous people you don’t need to drive around looking for them in an expensive tour bus…just take out your contacts and go walk the pier at Hunington Beach. I saw Kelly Slater (a surfer), a few members of the AVP tour (Karch Kari), and the entire cast of the OC or Laguna Beach. (w/o contacts : )

3. When hugged by a smelly homeless person at the beach it stinks but really doesn't hurt to listen...

4. The next tsunami is coming in August. It is going to wipe out California from S.F. to L.A. with one giant tsunami…(courtesy of God via the homeless man)

5. There ARE mountains in California!!! …unless they just flash them up on a big green screen for tourists. In addition to ocean, sun, blue skies, you will also see breath-taking views of the Santa Ana Mountains off in the distance...and the throngs of cyclists out to conquer them!

*p.s. "Dear God, this is far too much gifting to do to one state..."

6. I'm not sure why but I always get my best hairdos when sleeping in hotels. (see photo)

7. At least among the trendy, hip teens in popular eateries, wheelchairs are IN! In general, the "Ashleys" and "Chips" of SoCal pretty much ignore you. However, at the "Urth Cafe" I was surprised to find two girls looking at me insecurely seeming to wonder if they too should get this new casual mode of transportation…

*#'s 8-10 Taken from my "10 Things Learned When Clubbin'" list...

8. Don’t arrive before 10pm unless you work there...

9. You MUST have a posse – although you are in Hollywood you mustn’t fall for it. Sitting at a table awkwardly sipping a drink, does NOT magically produce someone just as awkward...looking to trade baseball a favorite song starts playing on the juke box

10. Good news. If you don’t know how to dance these places will provide someone giving free lessons…she stands up there on a stage, in front of a screen, with very little clothes on so you can see the correct anatomical formation of each move and how to clench and relax your muscles (you may find yourself lying on your side doing a complete 180 trying to figure out the correct balance and position of the movements origin).

Alright, time to boogie.

Happy Monday,


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