Monday, August 2, 2010

10 Hot Summer Observations

Good Morning,

I don't know about where you live but here it is hot Hot HOT!!! and not in a take it to the streets sexy salsa dancing kinda way.

The following are just a few observations kind of my verbal slam dance in response to the weatherman's challenge this morning "it's going to be muggy and buggy out there!!!..."

10 Hot summer observations

it’s so humid some of the road sign letters have started to drop and now the church is advertising for Vacation Bible c ool

it's so hot when i'm driving down the road and open a window it smells like a firework has gone off…i keep finding myself hunkering down as if the car is getting ready to explode

it's so stinky hot the sign no shoes, no SHIRT, no service no longer applies to just men…i sat in the car yesterday and realized it was a young woman slipping on her shirt outside the CVS pharmacy…before I go too far here, she was wearing a bikini top!

it's so hot...I watched a rain cloud form and leave

it's so hot...I read a summer safety article titled “What Drowning Really Looks Like”’s wet, straight down in front of eyes…and thought well shoot that could be anyone

it's so hot and humid...I almost sat down in the hairstylist’s chair and said I want a 4 in the middle and a 2 on the sides (buzz cut)

it's so hot...i found myself lingering just outside the doors at Wal-Mart to experience a sudden drop in temperature…over and over…

it's so friggin hot...the take and bake bread was nearly done by the time i got it home.

it's so nasty hot...I could've thawed the evening meal on my head…frozen peas work as an ice pack

and last? it's so hot...

Mitty the freedom dashing kitty sprinted to the open door met the blast of heat...turned and said no way!

alright. hope you're staying cool.

Happy Monday,


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