Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Costume Suggestions

Good Morning,

A little change to the program this week. The "spirit" was not with me Monday morning so I thought I'd move it to Wednesday...wohoo get crazy jump around!!!

The topic I had to discuss was Halloween costumes for people in wheelchairs. While the disabled child (or adult) could essentially be anything they want, wouldn't there also be some best practices or strategies for those who want to incorporate the chair into their costume?

Indeed there are! At least from my research, I've been able to cull some of the most popular themes and offer a few of my own suggestions...

*Note while these suggestions are kid focused my advice is not limited to parents of small children. It is for adults or anyone who would like to work a wheelchair into their next holiday gathering...where there is booze. : )

Halloween Costume Suggestions...

1. Make the chair into the child’s favorite vehicle. Using a sizable box as the car frame and creative extras to add details, you can create a race car, a fire truck... For those in the "Martha Stewart advanced class" you may even try the Fred Flintstone car...the child then provides the motor and wheels. (see photo)

2. Turn the wheelchair into another mode of transportation. My absolute favorite here is the magic carpet ride.

This is also perhaps a good time to mention that it is always important to consider age appropriateness when choosing your costume...hmmm

3. Make your weakness your strength. Play to the disability theme. Go as a skier who blew out a knee…a gassed tri-athlete needing wheelchair medical assistance, a motorcross racer who did not land the jump. Popular now for the boys might be Brett Favre (a 41 yr. old and often injured NFL quarterback) who most recently has been seen being driven off the field on a motorized medical cart.

4. Look for famous historical figures who have been notable wheelchair users.

Former president Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a good one. You could also perhaps institute this presidential theme and be Abraham Lincoln sitting on his "throne" in the Lincoln Memorial.

5. Look to current pop culture for entertainment stars and celebrities you might like to celebrate. For example, the young man in Glee- nerdy Glee club member Artie Abrams or disability rights advocate Lady Gaga???

6. Go as any occupation where you are synonymous with your work instrument. For example, a TV news anchor, a sports analyst...this is what I've chosen. A welcome addition I'm sure to the ESPN College Game Day crew.

7. Okay, and lastly in keeping with this theme. Go as a statement of curiosity. Go as Dwayne Wade (a megastar NBA basketball player) in a wheelchair after a shoulder dislocation...You don't even have to shrug your shoulders to try to explain. Just be cool.

Alright, hope you are having a Happy Monday kind of week,


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