Monday, December 6, 2010

how to adventure through Crate and Barrel...

Good Morning,

If there's one thing I've learned about ridin' around in a wheelchair in the winter it's that it is important to look for adventure both big and small. As things like ICE scraping and grocery shopping become the main event, some of those smaller adventures can take on more significance and meaning. For example, this past weekend my mom was in town and wanted to do some of her holiday shopping at Crate and Barrel.

I've created a pictorial primer for people in wheelchairs (or anyone for that matter) on how to enhance the experience.

How to Adventure Through Crate & Barrel

Create memory games with the flatware...

Play "hide the nut" with the menorah...

Always fun, stick a spoon on your nose... (*note to my wheelie friends. when the 5th sales person asks you if you need help say "yes" can you stick this on my nose?)

Practice your quad rugby or wheelchair football moves with a GIANT pine cone...

(watch out for glitter pants)

And last...don't overlook the arts. You can create some Kleenex origami and display the rest of the contents in your pockets using cool Memo clips!

Alright, now let's get out there and do it! Many bright wishes to your holiday adventures. Happy Monday.


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