Monday, June 6, 2011

a little disability vigilante justice

Good Morning,

Joe Montana, Bill Cosby, and Gen. Colin Powell...what do these people have in common?

All of these folks spoke at the GET MOTIVATED! seminar I went to last week at the Sprint Center (downtown KC).

Howard Putnam? anybody...anybody? a former CEO of Southwest Airlines was also there.

To recap, as some of you may know, I had an incident on a Southwest Airlines flight. I requested assistance with my wheelchair so I could make a tight connection. The flight attendant ignored my request in favor of learning more about my neighbor's Kindle (electronic book). I missed my flight. I and a few friends (...and my mother) wrote Southwest letting them know of our disappointment with the poor service I'd received. Over a month had passed still no word...

So, an eye for an eye? Time for a little disability vigilante justice!!!...

As I perused my GET MOTIVATED workbook, I came across his (Mr. Putnam’s) name in the list of speakers I thought, since I had my daily business so interrupted with neglect and rudeness how would he like it if I came into his world and interrupted him?

In a stadium filled with 20,000 people, the lights went down and the spot light came on. Howard took the stage and shook a jubilant fist "Details, we did it by never losing sight of the details!" I doodled in my workbook...

a lone voice way off in the nose bleed seats (with companion seating available) cries out

"Hey Howard!" flight #24 I'd come say hello but I still need my wheelchair!"

or or

a lone wheeler moves from gate to gate

Hey Howard you can locate me at gate 127!!! (subject to change)...oops wait a minute now I'm at gate 126...

okay i'd probably just keep it simple.

booooo KIIIINDLE!!!!

This morning I have much happier news to report. I've heard back from SWA headquarters! In sum, there's a deep apology and a promised voucher toward another flight. I've posted the reply to read it in its entirety.

I am very appreciative of the actions they’ve taken.

Six weeks earlier through a simple human interaction I felt reduced to the size of an airline peanut. Today with this response...I’m encouraged and grateful to those joining me in the fight. Don’t be afraid to get on your horse for a little disability vigilante justice!

Happy Monday,


p.s. The seminar itself is a whole 'nother story. I wouldn't recommend it. Not even if it's free. It's like a quasi Republican convention with special guests (aka nauseating sales gurus).

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