Sunday, September 2, 2007

Indomitable Spirit

And this week I learned, simply put, there is NO CRYING in hip hop dancing! But before we get to my moves...

“I’m as busy as a one-arm pirate in a wallpaper factory!”

That’s a comment I overheard the other day after I’d hung up the “handicappable” tag and was making my way
to the doors of the public library.

I couldn’t quite catch up with the busy patron and his ladyfriend...

So, this morning...i still have my thought(s) and questions. : )

My thought:
I too enjoy some good disability repartee, but if you’d like to use disability references in your humor
please do so mindfully.

When did pirates start hanging out in wallpaper stores?

Disregard the fact that I don’t think the factory foreman would be dumb enough to let the pirate hang the product before he sold it…

there’s also the small problem of if he has one arm…would they really have him hanging wallpaper?


I think you would have a strong case for assignment to other duties if your reasonable accommodation is getting another arm.

Who thinks of these things? Probably the same person who says "why that new boat cost me an arm and a leg!"

why not your liver and your spleen!

okay, the arm and the leg are something easily imaginable, something visual but…why not something more valuable like your eyes and your teeth!

people say "I would give my right eye-tooth for that…" okay point to your eye-tooth? What is that? (okay, it's your "canine" tooth. i just checked. who would want that? show me a store/dealer where i can plunk down a tooth...i might get me a Ferrari or a tractor)

Anyway... and now for my hip hop moves...

You can click on the link(s) below for the results of Hip Hop Lesson 4 (only 1 more to go). (Windows users)

it's okay to laugh. i'm laughing too...well, mostly. : )

Happy Monday,


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