Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wham Bam Finish!

Well, this week I had planned to be my wham-bam finish. I took my last hip hop lesson on Saturday and was quite certain I could nail that routine by Monday! Unfortunately,...there was the Friday trip to the laundr-o-mat, trash, recycling and "emergency" apartment my energy was a little low this weekend.

Instead of my wham bam finish ( out folks cause i knooow i got one in me : ) I wanted to share what i've been using as my "mantra" lately.

These are the words of

Lisa Sandin (a fellow disabled homie) taken from her NPR "This I Believe" essay:

"I am my words, my ideas and my actions

I am filled with love, humor, ambition and intelligence.

This I believe, and

Like you I am a fellow human being and like you I am so much more than a body."

Also, I had a little dificulty recording this week thanks to Mitty Mix-a-Lot. They say there's one in every crowd : ) No, no, she's a great cat. She makes me smile : ). iMovieTheater13.html (for Windows users)

AND wedding folks FYI: I learned something called "The Cupid Shuffle." It is the latest "Electric Slide." (arrg) There is faaar too much stepping/moving for me to be involved but i am qualified to teach!

First Lesson:
step, step, step, step (right)
step, step, step, step (left)
step step step (forward) then...
walk yourself around (preferably not to the bar or restroom)

annnnd REPEAT!!!

Hope you have a Happy Monday.


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