Monday, August 15, 2011


Good Morning,

I had the good fortune of taking my maiden voyage in a kayak this weekend on Lone Star Lake. Regardless of ability, I think this is an activity anyone can enjoy. So, I'd like to encourage ALL to try...

5 Reasons to Try Paddling

1. You can adopt an ease to the language not typical of the urban Midwest.

In the West people get stoked...
ya’ll, honeys in the South
you sit and tawk in New Yawk
go "out and aboot" up North

now Midwesterners have somethin’ to do too. Go paddlin! : )

2. With cell phones, we are tuned into each other greater than ever before, physically though it has come at a cost as we so often miss the opportunity to interact with those around us. By choosing to go out in a kayak for a couple hours you are choosing to support friendly face-to-face communication with strangers.

3. People with houses on the lake may come out to great you and on some mornings have even opened up a window and turned up the stereo for all to enjoy (feels very different than when your apartment neighbor decides to do this).

4. If you travel in a pack and someone brings enough snacks, you are basically a party that floats! And...if you like to talk, you have a captive audience! Remember though that the corollary is also true. You are a captive audience! This might not be the best time to share your stories of Sacagawea and goals for Eskimo rolls...

5. The Polynesian navigational system...

In double-hauled canoes, "Papa Mau" and his crew made their way from Hawaii to Tahiti, reading only subtle changes in wind direction, waves, the flight of birds, the course of dolphins, the color of the water...

In no time whatsoever a new kayaker can determine that this unfortunate situation means log jam. : )

Happy Monday,


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